Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Circa Dolls

We never stop creating doll's characters in our mind. Sometimes it makes us exhausted but so far we enjoy this curse!

Our dolls are divided into these categories (although we never know how many categories we will create)

  1. Nusantara (Indonesian traditional costume)
  2. Asian (Asian traditional costume)
  3. Casual (casual/daily cloth)
  4. Fairy  
  5. Signature (made only one piece for each character)
  6. Custom-made (made in a particular customer's order)
  7. Animal (plushy)

Circa Hand Made

Joanne (45cm height, activist for HIV/AIDS issue, adorable)
We are a doll and sashiko maker. Every single piece is crafted by hands, requiring high concentration and indeed time consuming. 

We dedicate our business to empower women in need and marginalized. We allocate plenty of time to improve self esteem, self motivation, business and life skill as an big investment for all of us. 

(30cm height, tan and super cute, kabaya lover)
We call it Passion!

We pour our passion and dream into our products. Yes. You can feel it by touching them and hearing our story.

We do love to tell the story behind our products. And you will hear our story through this blog from now on...

This is an item 
with a soul ...

Pippi (45cm height, energetic, easy going, funny)
Asep (30cm height, West Java villager, humble)

We love sashiko! 
A simple running stitch that can make a big impact to every kind of product we made.

Sashiko Coasters
(applied on bag, cloth and interior items)